Cutting carbs is the most important change for weight loss. At least, that's the idea sold by Gary Taubes, Dr. David Ludwig and other low carb enthusiasts. They believe carbohydrate drives obesity ...
New York Times best-selling author, Gary Taubes, explores the many reasons sugar is an evil in our diets in his new book, The Case Against Sugar. He discusses key ways for people to limit sugar ...
An curved arrow pointing right. We talked to Gary Taubes, an expert on obesity and author of the book "Why We Get Fat." He already explained that exercise definitely isn't the only cure for obesity.
Gary Taubes, author of the 2011 best-seller Why We Get Fat, has written for Discover, Science, and the New York Times Magazine. He is currently writing a book about sugar.
Think Tank is made possible by generous support from the Smith Richardson Foundation, the Bernard and Irene Schwartz Foundation, the Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, the John M. Olin Foundation ...