Jonathan Swift's classic satirical adventure ‘Gulliver's Travels' is getting a contemporary ... Down") has created and written a new six-part TV series - entitled "The Gullivers" - and is ...
Gulliver's Travels, is about to get a new lease on life on the small screen. After the 2010 movie flopped with a disappointing 20% on Rotten Tomatoes, the story is being reimagined as a TV series ...
Lemuel Gulliver (Jack Black) has been working in the mail room of a New York daily newspaper for the past ten years. Afraid to put himself out there, he considers himself a loser, as do all of his ...
Ted Danson is Gulliver, who returns confused and changed after his travels in Brobdignag, land of giants, and Liliput, where the little people live. Peter O'Toole and Mary Steenburgen are among ...
In this episode Marina and Anna Della discuss Gulliver’s Travels as a text in which empiricism and imagination are tightly woven, where fantastical realms are created to give different perspectives on ...