The arrest announcement follows the death of Russia's Lt. Gen Igor Kirillov, who was killed on Dec. 17 by a bomb hidden on an electric scooter parked outside his apartment building.
Russia has arrested four people on suspicion of plotting to assassinate senior defence officials and their families on Ukraine’s orders, the Kremlin’s Federal Security Service (FSB) said.
In the US biological laboratories, Ukrainians, with the help of Americans, developed bioweapons genetically aimed only at Russians. This was stated by former Pentagon adviser, retired US Army Colonel Douglas McGregor in an interview with Judge Napolitano.
The year 2024 saw President Vladimir Putin further cement his power as he sought to counter Russia's isolation over the war in Ukraine.
During a year-end news conference on December 19, President Vladimir Putin proudly announced that not only has he “taken care” of Russia but he has also saved the nation “from the edge of the abyss.” Knewz.
Igor Kirillov, the chief of the military’s nuclear ... The SBU has said it recorded more than 4,800 occasions when Russia used chemical weapons on the battlefield since its full-scale invasion ...
A Russian 'military cargo train' blew up due to a Ukrainian Intelligence sabotage mission, with the GUR agency claiming responsibility for the attack after a series of bombings in Russian territory
Igor Kirillov, the chief of Russia’s radioactive, chemical and biological defense forces. Using diplomacy, flattery and the occasional shot in the dark, Ukraine is doing everything it can to win ...