The International Holocaust Remembrance Day is taken to be on 27th January, as the Auschwitz Concentration Camp in ...
Someone cared enough to help place memorial plaques for Peter Benjamin's grandparents, who were seized by the Nazis in Berlin in 1941 and died in concentration camps. Benjamin wanted to know who was ...
Tova’s mother, knowing the probable fate for her daughter, hid Tova literally under a corpse in one of the rooms. She then ...
Russian President also expressed bewilderment at the fact that Stepan Bandera’s supporters were invited to those memorial events ...
First, Cohen, with a tour group from the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, passed through the infamous “Arbeit Macht ...
A new exhibit by Stockton University’s Sara and Sam Schoffer Holocaust Resource Center will commemorate the 80th anniversary ...
Read about Holocaust survivor Felix Brinkmann, who escaped death in gas chambers, became a popular New York City disco owner ...
Former FC Bayern President Kurt Landauer was imprisoned for 33 days in Barrack 8 of the Dachau concentration camp before being released and ultimately fleeing the Nazi terror regime from his home ...
OSWIECIM, Poland (AP) — Pulitzer Prize-winning photographer Oded Balilty started with the AP as a freelancer in Jerusalem in ...
Musk’s plea to Germans resonates with his master’s appeal to Americans: “Make America Great Again,” a message that implies forgetting about the dark sides of this country’s own history. Americans ...
Friday and Saturday, the Los Angeles Ballet will present Melissa Barak’s Memoryhouse, about Jewish lives during the Holocaust ...
The house, until this year, had always been in private hands. A U.S.-based group, the "Counter Extremism Project," has ...