MARCUS MUSHONGA in Harare, ZimbabweZimbabwe BureauHARARE, (CAJ News) - HIGHER-LIFE Foundation has opened applications for the Joshua Nkomo Scholarship, for academically talented students looking to ...
Some of the top leaders of various political parties and liberation movements that attended the Lancaster House Conference are Joshua Nkomo, Robert Mugabe, Bishop Muzorewa, Ndabaningi Sithole and Ian ...
Reflecting on Joshua Nkomo's wisdom, we explore the resilience of South Africans in the ongoing struggle for freedom and the ...
After a protracted liberation fight spearheaded by numerous political movements and individuals, such as Joshua Nkomo and Robert Mugabe, the nation attained independence on the 18th of April 1980.
Nqobile Tshili, [email protected] GOVERNMENT yesterday conducted a refresher course for chiefs and their ...
This year, the billionaire said the Foundation is looking for 200 of Zimbabwe's brightest minds with high ethical principles ...
Joshua Nkomo, and Sam Nujoma. I am still humbled by their extraordinary courage and resilience. The liberation of Zimbabwe in 1980 brought great joy and hope for freedom. However, the rapid ...
ZAPU’s Joshua Nkomo and James Chikerema, as well as ZANU’s Ndabaningi Sithole, Robert Mugabe and Herbert Chitepo took a similar stance against the settler racist regime of Rhodesia’s Ian Smith.