As frontrunners of the burgeoning New Wave of British Heavy Metal movement, Judas Priest and Iron Maiden made perfect sense ...
Pop producer Pete Waterman says that a song he recorded with heavy metal legends Judas Priest should have been a smash hit - but remained unreleased because it could have ruined the band’s ...
In January 1984, Judas Priest unveiled their ninth album, Defenders Of The Faith; long since acknowledged as a heavy metal classic, but at the time, judged a relative failure. Two years earlier ...
Judas Priest Judas Priest is one of heavy metal’s most important bands — the ultimate defenders of the style for four decades running, through periods of both acclaim and scorn, and hard-ly ...
Rob Halford almost died at his final gig as Judas Priest vocalist on August 19, 1991 – and not because the other four members gave him a severe kicking when they’d learned of his decision to quit ...
Vince has never seen Judas Priest live before, but hopefully he will this summer; like the dudes in Maiden, the boys in Priest have certainly gotten older, but you wouldn’t really know it to watch ...
As one of the more influential voices in heavy metal for over a quarter of a century ... Owens is still best down for his exploits as the frontman of Judas Priest from 1996-2003. At the time, Owens ...
Before anyone started calling it heavy metal, Judas Priest were hammering out the music's template. Formed in Birmingham, England, at the tail end of the '60s, the band's core trio -- singer Rob ...